Программа моделирования сетей, включая линии постоянного тока, разных видов нагрузок - от двигателей до сталеплавильных печей, силовой электроники - преобразователей для двигателей, активных фильтров, статических компенсаторов, разных типов генераторов, включая ветроустановки. Позволяет вести расчёты установившихся и переходных режимов сетей, оценивать качество электроэнергии, производить гармонический и фликер-анализ. И мн. др.

PSCAD is a tool for disigning of variety of power system designs and studies. It is equally capable in the areas of power electronic design and simulation, power quality analysis, protection and electrical utility system planning studies.

Some typical examples ofuse are:
Find overvoltages in a power system due to a fault or breaker operation and due to a lightning strike.
Find the harmonics generated by a SVC, HVDC link, STATCOM, machine drive etc.
Analyze Power Quality related issues including harmonics, flicker and resonance problems.
Find maximum energy in a surge arrester for a given disturbance.
Tune and design control systems for maximum performance.
Investigate the Sub-Synchronous Resonance (SSR).
Modeling of STATCOM or Voltage Source Converters.
Investigate the pulsing effects of diesel engines and wind turbines on the electric network.
And others.